segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - disagreeing

- I see what you mean, but…
- I know what you mean, but...
- I am afraid I can’t agree.
- I do not really agree with that.
- I do not really go along with that.
- I do not agree with that at all.
- I totally disagree.
- I am not completely sure about that.
- That might be true, but…
- I am not sure if I agree with…
- You have got a point, but…

Como se diz "laudo" em inglês?

laudo - award;opinion;report


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico", São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011

Como se diz "liminar" em inglês?

liminar - injunction; injunctive relief; preliminary injunction; restraining order; temporary injunction; temporary restraining order


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico", São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Como se diz "julgar uma ação" em inglês?

julgar uma ação - judge a case; try a case


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico", São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - agreeing

- I agree
- Absolutely
- That’s true
- I think so too
- You are absolutely right.
- I totally agree with you.
- I couldn’t agree with you more.

Como se diz "inadimplente" em inglês?

inadimplente - defaulter; defaulting party


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico", São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - checking understanding

- I may just check if I got this right…
- If I have understood correctly…
- What do you mean?
- Have I got this right?
- You mean, if …
- Are you saying…?

sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011

Como se diz "homologação" em inglês?

homologação - approval; confirmation; homologation; ratification; recognition


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico", São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - asking clarification

- I am sorry I did not catch what you said.
- I am afraid I did not quite understand when you said…
- Would you mind repeating…
- Would you think it rude if I asked you to repeat?
- I am sorry it is not quite clear what you told me about…
- Would you mind clarifying…
- What do you mean by…

Como se diz "guia de recolhimento de impostos" em inglês?

guia de recolhimento de impostos - tax payment form


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário jurídico". São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011


- To clarify…
- To be more specific…
- What I am saying is …
- What I am trying to say is…
- What I mean is …
- Let me put this another way.

Como se diz "foro" em inglês?

foro - bar; bench; court; forum; jurisdiction; tenure; venue


Victorino, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico". São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - thanking

- Many thanks for…
- Many thanks for your email of yesterday attaching X in respect of Y.
- I would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
- May I take this opportunity to thank you for…
- Thank you for instructing us to act on your behalf.
- Thank you for coming in to see me.
- Thank you for returning the forms duly completed.
- Thank you for considering my request.
- Thank you for any help you can provide.


Como se diz "extrajudicial" em inglês?

extrajudicial - out of court


VICTORINO, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico". São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

elisão fiscal

Como se diz "elisão fiscal" em inglês?

elisão fiscal - tax avoidance


Victorino, Luanda. GLOSSÁRIO JURÍDICO, Disal, São Paulo, 2009.

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - making suggestions

- I propose…
- I suggest…
- I would suggest that…
- It is recommended that
- It is advisable for X to do…
- I think we should…
- How about…
- Why don’t we…
- Perhaps we could…
- We would suggest that it would be sensible to check…
- We would strongly recommend that you have ...
- Unless you have any objections, I would suggest we …
- I suggest that the correct approach would be to request…
- Once this has been done, we could consider…
- If this does not have the desired effect, we should…
- Perhaps you could telephone me to discuss this matter.

domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - giving opinion

- I think…
- I believe…
- I understand…
- Personally, I think…
- In my opinion,
- From my point of view,
- As far as I am concerned,
- It appears that…
- It seems to me that…
- It seems clear to me that…
- The first point I would like to make is that…
- Let me explain why I think that…
- I had not thought about it before, but it seems to me…
- We understand that this is a matter that…

quinta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2011

Useful language - referring to previous contacts

- As discussed…
- As discussed during…
- As previously discussed
- As you may know, a meeting was held on…
- In reply to your email of X, I would like to say…
- I would like to respond to your email…
- Further to my last email,...
- Further to our phone discussion…
- Further to our telephone conversation,…
- Further to our recent correspondence…
- I write further to our meeting on…
- I write further in this matter.
- I write further to our meeting….
- I write further to my email,
- I write further to our meeting when we discussed…
- I write further to our discussions over the telephone.
- I write further in this matter, and am now in a position to put forward proposals for settlement.
- I write further in this matter, having now received further information from our advisers.
- Following our meeting on…
- We refer to our telephone conversation…
- I refer to X when you confirmed your instructions to act for this matter.
- Many thanks for your email of yesterday attaching X in respect of Y.
- Thank you for your email.
- Thank you for your enquiry.
- The outcome of that meeting was that…
- With regard to the specific points you raised:

quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011

Como se diz "disposição" em inglês?

disposição - clause; provision


Victorino, Luanda. "Glossário Jurídico". São Paulo: Disal, 2009.

Como se diz "Diário Oficial da União" em inglês?

Diário Oficial da União (DOU) - official federal gazette


Victorino, Luanda G. "Glossário Jurídico". São Paulo, Disal, 2009.

Como se diz "delito" em inglês?

delito - crime; delict; malfeasance; offense; wrong; wrongdoing


Victorino, Luanda G. "Glossário Jurídico". São Paulo: Disal, 2009

Danos morais

Como se diz "danos morais" em inglês?

mental anguish; non pecuniary damage; pain and suffering


Victorino, Luanda G. Glossário Jurídico. São Paulo: Disal,2009.